Connect to IEX Exchange Directly

Connect to IEX Exchange Directly


Does connecting to IEX Exchange cost anything?

No, the Exchange does not charge any connection installation fees, nor does IEX Exchange charge fees for maintaining connections. Additionally, IEX Exchange does not charge for the first five Logical Order Entry Ports (above 5 ports, IEX charges $100 per port per month).

How can Member firms or Exchange Data Recipients connect to IEX Exchange?

Members can connect to the Exchange via cross-connect to the point of presence (POP) located in Equinix NY5. Alternatively, Members can partner with a recognized software technology provider or an approved third-party partner to establish connectivity to IEX Exchange. To learn more about connecting to IEX Exchange, please review the Connectivity Manual and contact Market Operations.

Connectivity Materials

Setting up a direct cross-connection:

For order entry:

Connecting through an approved Service Bureau:

Does IEX Exchange support sponsored access relationships?

Yes. The Sponsoring Member must identify the client(s) for which market access is to be provided.

Sponsored Access Materials

A firm seeking to enter into a sponsored access relationship with a Member of the Exchange must complete the following materials: